Formaldehyde Analyzer

The Pyrolysis System

      The Pyrolysis System analyzes polymerized materials which have non-volatility and low solubility. Polymers are known to degrade at specific bonding locations based on temperature, the distribution of the fragments provides information on the characteristics and chemical structure of the molecule. By applying heat to a sample that is greater than the energy of specific bonds, the molecule will fragment in a reproducible way. The fragments are then separated by the analytical column to produce the chromatogram (pyrogram) which contains both qualitative and quantitative information. Heating easily breaks chemical bonds of organic materials or polymers in the absence of oxygen (pyrolization). The analytical method of pyrolysis is a useful process to obtain information of ingredient and structure of target materials (nylon, wax, polymer, paint, film, wood, plastic, etc.).

Key Features of YL Pyrolysis System

1) Fully controlled and acquires data with software for your convenience.
2) Designed for more convenient and effective analysis.
3) More simple and accurate procedure of pyrolysis method
4) Pyrolysis-GC System contains a reagent, solvent, column, etc for analysis.
5) Wide temp. range up to 1400℃, rapid temperature control of 20,000℃/sec,multi-step temperature programming(8 steps) for accuracy and precision of data.

Analysis application

1. Analysis of Nylon 6/6 by a Pyrolysis System
2. Analysis of Polyethylene by a Pyrolysis System