Headspace Autosampler

    YL2000H                            YL2100H

The HT2000H is the most compact autosampler on the market (no requirement for additional bench space, or for GC injector modification).It fits all GC and GC/MS systems, available on the market - more or less recent.

It can use both the front and rear injector on the most of the supported GC. The injector selection is made directly by the sequence list, avoiding difficult set up operations or re-installation to pass from one injector to another one. Furthermore, rotating head design assures that the injection port is always free, for eventual manual injections.

The HT2100H is the cost- and quality effective alternative to manual headspace. Manual sampling techniques are simple and inexpensive. They are also tedious and subject to human error and they are not able to provide robust and consistent data. Automation, in contrast, ensures consistent and reliable results; it also frees laboratory personnel for more productive tasks.


1. YL2000H
  • Fits all GCs and GC/MSs
  • 42 vials , 20 mL
  • Static Headspace Gas tight syringe
  • Near to zero requirement for bench space
  • Easy to use
  • User friendly touch screen
  • Six-position oven
2. YL2100H
  • Fits all GCs and GC/MSs
  • 14 vial, 20 mL
  • Static Headspace Gas tight syringe
  • Easy to use
  • Reasonable price
  • Key pad
  • One-position oven