Formaldehyde Analyzer

YL Formaldehyde Analyzer

      YL Formaldehyde Analyzer is used for monitoring of aldehydes, especially formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The sampling of formaldehyde in air, sample preparation and all the processes for monitoring has to be organized to analyze the amount of formaldehyde. Formaldehyde Analyzer provides the best solution for monitoring of formaldehyde using standard method with the appropriate system configuration according to Indoor Air Quality Management Act. The system is able to detect the aldehydes at low concentration and offers proper results in monitoring of formaldehyde according to Indoor Air Quality Management.

Key Features of YL Formaldehyde Analyzer

1) The silica gel cartridge that is coated with 2,4-dinitorophenylhydorazine(DNPH cartridge) is used for the sampling of formaldehyde. The system consists of an ozone scrubber, DNPH cartridge and pump with flow meter and Teflon tube.
2) YL Formaldehyde Analyzer provides the reliable optimum condition and high reproducibility.
3) With the use of the software for formaldehyde application, you can easily control all processes on PC.
4) As an optional function, you can improve the efficiency of operation in use with autosampler.

Analysis application

1. The Analysis of Aldehyde/Ketonic in Indoor Air
2. Analysis of Formaldehyde in Indoor Air of New Building
3. Analysis of Formaldehyde( 7 kinds of Standard Material )